
The effects of acid rain. For more information about pollution go to https://greentumble.com

A pollutant is an unwanted chemical source that is infecting things like plants    and water, and these can mess up whole ecosystems. In my class, we are learning about 3 pollutants, acid rain, road salt, and fertilizer. Acid rain can kill the plants that humans and the animals eat, so the humans and the animals will starve and die. Road salt can dissolve into water and go into the road side. It then can kill plants, and run off into streams and too much salt can kill the fish. If the fertilizer runs off the crops, and into water, the water will become toxic and can’t be used. We are testing to see which pollutant damages rye grass the most. My prediction is that the road salt will damage the most. I think this because I know too much salt can do a lot of damage. If a human eats too much salt they will die, so I can imagine that this will do a lot of damage to the grass. I would recommend that you try and use less fertilizer or none at all, so it doesn’t run off your plants. Try to talk with your schools principle and get them to stop using road salt, or maybe your towns mayor. You can get them to invest in some of the more expensive chemicals. If you want to protect your plants from acid rain you can get a stand with a cover over it to keep the rain from getting in.

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